Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rain Drops

Undulating river with-  
The surges of silvery water embracing the gusts of wild wind,
And falling crystalline drops of rain scattering as pearls on it.
Strewn stones around water producing soothing rhythm.
All this looking as beautiful as the 'beatious forms' of Wordsworth. 

With my imagining eyes,
I find you playing 
with falling crystalline drops of rain,
with the gusts of wild wind
with strewn stones. 

I long to become the rain drop
Which wistfully bequeaths its existence to river
And becomes its inseparable part. Like rain drop,
I too wish to bequeath my existence to YOU,
And become your ‘inseparable part’.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Brightening Cumulus

cumulus dancing 
and moving to the west
where she lives.
I begrudge them-
Because they will rain at her
And they will kiss her.

She will walk up the less traveled way of her city, 
and will frolic around with the shower of rain. 
She will whisper the her loving verses,

"For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,         
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;" 1

Then she will slip into 
the myriad of deep thoughts.
She will engrave her own poem
on the plank of her heart. 

Bidding adieu,
the cumulus have departed from me,
but left me soaking with her recollections.

Note: 1- Eliot's Love Song of J.Alfred Profrock 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


On tin shade,
Rains play the frenzied drum,

And forking lights dance in the darkening sky.